2025 Resource Guide Submission Instructions

It is time to begin preparing for the 2025 edition of the APC Resource Guide so please consider this your official call for your Center’s submission.

To help you and your staff prepare your Center’s submission, below please find an outline of instructions and the entry form where you input your Center’s information. The Entry Form contains many format specifications. However, please do not hesitate to contact Francesca if you or your staff have any questions or concerns. These instructions have been emailed to both Center Directors as well as administrators and other staff members that appear as contacts for APC business. (We recognize that each Center delegates tasks differently, and this is an effort to ensure this reaches the appropriate staff.)

New In 2025

      1. Please read all instructions below. There are a few new changes from previous years.
      2. Centers must fill out this form in its entirety (do NOT fill in “same as last year”).
      3. We do not accept Word document submissions.
      4. Do not use (1) tabs, (2) bullets, or (3) symbols for any of the fields in your submission (this alters the text when submitted and does not transfer properly).
      5. Each center is limited to two pages in the same format, which optimizes the clarity and visual appeal of the profiles and provides greater consistency across profiles (for more guidance, see the description under each section of this form). Submissions will be formatted by our Guide resource team; please submit only the information requested for each section. Each profile varies, and fit will depend on how the content is distributed across different sections. It will be to our discretion to eliminate content that does not fit or conform to specifications, so please prioritize (make sure to list items in order of preference for the 3 Research Project sections, as well as the Research to Policy section).
      6. The entry form allows you to move back/forward and save your progress. Links are embedded into this online form and are the color blue. If a section does not pertain to your Center, please enter “NA” in the entry field.
      7. The deadline for submissions is Friday, December 2, 2024. We do encourage people to submit their profiles earlier. This deadline allows us the necessary lead time for our printing and meeting timelines.

If there is a particular staff member(s) whom you would like me to include in future correspondence concerning this project, please let us know by emailing francesca@popassoc.org.

Submissions prior to the deadline will be gratefully accepted!

Instructions for preparing your Center profile can be viewed on the Entry FormOr view a PDF of the full instructions.