Government Affairs News

GPAC Successes of 2023

Thank you for your support of the APC during 2023. We write to provide you with an update on last year’s efforts. As you know, much of the APC budget supports the work of the Government and Public Affairs Committee (GPAC). Throughout 2023, GPAC represented the...

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Population Scientists Discuss Baby Boomers on Capitol Hill

On July 20, the Population Association of America (PAA), in cooperation with the Association of Population Centers (APC), sponsored its first in-person briefing since 2019, “Happy Birthday, Baby—Boomers!” on Capitol Hill. The briefing featured a panel of experts who...

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Statement Announcing FY24 NDD United Sign-On Letter

The Coalition for Health Funding issues the following statement announcing a 760 organization (include APC and PAA) sign-on letter urging Congress to reject cuts to non-defense discretionary appropriations: The Coalition for Health Funding, an alliance of 84 nonprofit...

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President Biden Releases Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Proposal

President Biden Releases Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Proposal: What’s In it for the Population Sciences? On March 9, the Biden Administration began releasing details of its Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 budget request to Congress. The President’s budget is a symbolic document...

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FRN for OMB Race/Ethnicity Standards

The Office of the Chief Statistician of the United States took a key step forward in its formal process to revise OMB’s statistical standards for collecting and reporting race and ethnicity data across Federal agencies by releasing a set of initial proposals in a...

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Science with a Side of CHIPS

Among the handful of major legislative accomplishments in the nearly completed 117th Congress was the passage of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, which was signed into law by President Biden on August 9. Implementation of the Act is underway, with the...

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APC Welcomes New Agency Heads

In recent weeks, the Presidents of PAA and APC sent letters welcoming the following new officials in the Biden Administration: Dr. Renee Wegrzyn, Director, Advanced Research Project Agency for Health; Dr. Amy S. Kelley, Deputy Director, National Institute on Aging;...

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Statement regarding 2020 Census Post Enumeration Survey

Population scientists, including demographers, economists, and sociologists, rely on data collected and disseminated by the U.S. Census Bureau to inform their scientific and applied research and research training activities on a wide range of topics, including...

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Government and Public Affairs Committee (GPAC)

APC and the Population Association of America work together to educate policymakers about population research outcomes and the federal agencies that support population, or demographic, research. These objectives are achieved through the work of the APC/PAA Government and Public Affairs Committee (GPAC).

The latest information on
population research policy and advocacy. 

Director of Government and Public Affairs
Mary Jo Hoeksema