Promoting the Science and Practice of Health Behavior Maintenance Workshops (Virtual)
OBSSR and the NIH Adherence Research Network are hosting a series of workshops titled An Action Agenda: Promoting the Science and Practice of Health Behavior Maintenance.
Workshop 1, held in spring 2023, focused on Conceptualization of Behavior Maintenance. The next two workshops in the series will focus on criteria and tools for measuring behavioral maintenance (Workshop 2) and intervention designs to promote and understand behavioral maintenance (Workshop 3). The final workshop in the series (Workshop 4) will focus on implementation of best practices in clinical setting. Workshop 4 will take place in early 2024. You will have the option to opt in to receive more information regarding this workshop during the registration process for Workshops 2 and 3.
Workshops 2 and 3 will be fully virtual and are open to the general public to attend. Interested individuals are welcome to register for one or both days. Please register for each day you would like to attend: Wednesday September 20; Friday September 22; or both.
Learn more, view the agenda and register:
NIH Blueprint and BRAIN Initiative ENDURE Technical Assistance Webinar
September 20, 2023 – 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET
This webinar will provide technical assistance for those considering applying to the NIH Blueprint and BRAIN Initiative Program for Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences (BP BRAIN-ENDURE) (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed). Note: this event is for Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) who wish to apply. RFA-NS-24-014 aims to raise interest and opportunities in neuroscience research for individuals who are typically underrepresented in the field. The goal is to provide such individuals with training at the undergraduate level, so that they are prepared to enter and successfully complete neuroscience PhD programs.
Learn more:
NSF-NIH Smart Health Solicitation Webinar
September 25, 2023 – 3:00 p.m. ET
Are you a data scientist or engineer with a passion for making a real impact in the realm of health and biomedicine? If so, consider applying to the NSF-NIH Smart Health initiative.
The NSF-NIH Smart Health initiative is an interagency funding opportunity that aims to support the development of transformative high-risk, high-reward advances in computer and information science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, behavioral, and cognitive research. The goal is to address pressing questions in the biomedical and public health communities, and you could play a pivotal role in driving these advancements.
NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Coordinating Committee Open Meeting (Virtual)
October 6, 2023 – 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. ET
The NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Coordinating Committee (BSSR-CC) was established to enhance information exchange, communication, integration, and coordination of behavioral and social sciences research/training activities at the NIH. The BSSR-CC alternates between closed and open meetings each month. In Open BSSR-CC sessions, the public, including representatives of professional organizations, are welcome to attend, and the content of meetings is restricted to those topics appropriate for public awareness or discussion.
NIH Common Fund’s Community Partnerships to Advance Science for Society (ComPASS) Health Equity Research Hubs
The NIH Common Fund is accepting applications for the Community Partnerships to Advance Science for Society (ComPASS) Health Equity Research Hubs (Hubs). The Hubs will serve as a centralized research resource, providing tailored scientific, technical, and collaborative support for sustainable community engagement, research capacity building, and training to support ComPASS community-led health equity structural intervention (CHESI) projects in collaboration with the ComPASS Coordination Center (CCC).
The Hubs are one of three complementary initiatives under the ComPASS Program, which also include CHESI projects that intervene on structural factors that create and perpetuate health inequities and the CCC that provides administration, coordination, data, and research capacity-building and training support to the CHESI projects.
Letters of intent are due September 30, 2023. The application due date is October 31, 2023.
Seeking Input on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Mission Statement
NIH recently issued a Request for Information (RFI) inviting feedback on a proposed update to the NIH mission statement. As the largest public funder of biomedical and behavioral research in the world, it is important the mission statement accurately reflects NIH’s goal of turning scientific discoveries into better health for all.
The RFI is now open and will close on November 24, 2023. Input is sought broadly from NIH staff, NIH-funded institutions, scientific and professional societies, the clinical practice community, advocacy organizations, and the public. Please take a moment to review the RFI and share your input.
NIH ORBIT Institute Now Accepting Applications for the 2024 ORBIT Institute Cohort
The NIH-funded short course, ORBIT Institute: Developing Behavioral Treatments to Improve Health, consists of an in-person workshop, followed by a series of bi-weekly webinars (via FSU Zoom) and related activities, and an individual consultation with one ORBIT Core Faculty member. The 2024 in-person workshop agenda will be posted soon.
This course will be open to scientists with an interest in behavioral treatment development to improve health behaviors. While applied behavioral and social scientists are the focus, basic scientists and methods experts are encouraged to apply as well.
If you have additional questions, please contact the ORBIT team at or 850-644-2334.
Application Deadline: November 30, 2023
NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Festival (Virtual)
Save-the-date: Tuesday, December 5, 2023
The Annual NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Festival will be hosted by OBSSR and the NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Coordinating Committee. The purpose of the festival is to highlight recently funded behavioral and social sciences research that the NIH supports; bring together behavioral and social scientists within the NIH extramural and intramural communities to network with each other and share scientific ideas; and explore ways to advance behavioral and social sciences research.
The festival agenda and registration information will be available soon.
NIH Understanding and Addressing the Health Impacts of Online Abuse and Harassment Workshop (Virtual)
Save-the-dates: Thursday, December 7 and Friday, December 8, 2023
As part of the White House Task Force to Address Online Abuse Harassment, OBSSR, NICHD, and other NIH ICOs are convening a two-day virtual scientific workshop to identify gaps and challenges in advancing the research agenda to understand and address online harassment and abuse. The workshop will include a mix of plenary talks, panel discussions, and potential breakout sessions.
The workshop agenda and registration information will be available soon.
PREPARE: Pioneering Research for Early Prediction of Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias EUREKA Challenge
NIA’s PREPARE (AD/ADRD Prediction) Challenge is now open for Phase 1 submissions. The goal of this challenge is to spur and reward the development of solutions for accurate, innovative, and representative early prediction of AD/ADRD. To achieve this goal, the challenge will feature three phases that successively build on each other.
This first phase, Find IT!: Data for Early Prediction, is focused on finding, curating, or contributing data to create representative and open datasets that can be used for the early prediction of AD/ADRD. For more details on the different phases and associated prizes, visit the challenge home page.
Phase I final submissions due: January 31, 2024 at 11:59:59 PM UTC