Upcoming Meetings

September 21
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Policies and Programs to Reduce Intergenerational Poverty Report Release Webinar. For more information and to register for this virtual webinar, go here.

September 29
12:00 – 12:45 pm
What is the Future of Behavioral Economics and Public Policy? Takeaways from Behavioral Economics: Policy Impact and Future Directions. For more information and to register for this virtual webinar, go here.

September 29
3:00 – 5:00 pm
CNSTAT Public Seminar: An Updated Measure of Poverty: (Re)Drawing the Line. For more information and to register to attend in person or virtually, go here.

People News

CNSTAT Thanks Alex Piquero for His Service as Director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics
Alex Piquero, who was appointed as director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in June 2022, has returned to the University of Miami to resume his teaching and research. He is professor of sociology & criminology and arts & sciences distinguished scholar at Miami. BJS said that he “elevated BJS’s public profile by engaging with stakeholders to share information about the scope and value of statistics produced by BJS.” During his tenure, BJS launched new data visualization features and a new report series, Just the Stats, aimed at presenting important data on key crime and justice questions in easily digestible ways.

CNSTAT Congratulates Samuel (Chris) Haffer and Nancy Potok on their Election as ASA Fellows for their professional contributions, leadership, and commitment to the field of statistical science. Chris Haffer is the former Chief Data Officer for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and Nancy Potok is the former Chief Statistician of the United States.

CNSTAT Congratulates Karen Kafadar and Vijayan Nair on Receiving ASA Founders Awards
The American Statistical Association (ASA) Founders Award recognizes individuals who have provided distinguished service to the association over a long term and with lasting impact. Two former CNSTAT members received 2023 Founders Awards:

  • Karen Kafadar received a 2023 Founders Award “for nearly 30 years of service to the ASA, including serving as council representative for the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, editor of Technometrics, JSM program chair for the Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences, and chair of the Section on Statistical Computing on two separate occasions; for service on nine ASA committees and task forces, including outstanding leadership on the Forensic Science Advisory Committee and Climate Change Advisory Committee; for two terms as a member of the Committee on Publications and two terms on the ASA Board of Directors as publications representative; and for outstanding leadership as the 2019 ASA president. She is Commonwealth professor of statistics at the University of Virginia and served on CNSTAT from 2006–2012.
  • Vijay Nair received a 2023 Founders Award “for service to the ASA spanning more than 30 years; for leading the journal Technometrics as its editor and also by chairing its management committee; for serving on and chairing the Committee on Publications; for serving on the Outstanding Statistical Application Award Committee and Committee on Energy Statistics; for service on the selection committee for the International Prize in Statistics; for leadership on the Committee on Nominations, particularly developing and clarifying procedures; and for providing guidance and wise advice to the association on many occasions.” He is Donald A. Darling professor emeritus of statistics at the University of Michigan and served on CNSTAT from 2002–2008.


Special Resources

In case you missed it, we have a fantastic new video out about the value of objective national data and statistics. We’re certain you know someone who would like to see it—or better yet, some organization that would like to share it. Will you take 3 minutes to check it out and then send it to a colleague?

Also take a look at our interactive site on CNSTAT’s data infrastructure series.

Recent Events and Reports

CNSTAT Special Seminar Series—International Approaches to Conducting a Census in the 21st Century:
Office of National Statistics, United Kingdom, May 18, 2023
Statistics Canada, May 24, 2023
Australian Bureau of Statistics, May 31, 2023
Statistics New Zealand, June 7, 2023
Videos and other materials now available on this site.

Toward a Vision for a New Data Infrastructure for Federal Statistics and Social and Economic Research in the 21st Century Workshop 3: Approaches to Sharing Blended Data in a 21st Century Data Infrastructure, May 22, 23, and 25, 2023 Videos and other materials now available on this site.

Enhancing Survey Programs by Using Multiple Data Sources, April 24, 2023
Video and other materials available from this site.

Approaches to Improve the Measurement of Suicide in Law Enforcement in the United States: A Workshop, April 25-26, 2023
Video and other materials available from this site.

Workshop on Considerations for Returning Individual Genomic Results from Population-Based Surveys: Focus on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, December 2, 7, and 8, 2022
Video and other materials available from this site.

Celebrating 50 Years of CNSTAT and Looking to the Future: Toward a 21st Century National Data Infrastructure, October 13, Video and other materials available from this site.

Considerations for Returning Individual Genomic Results from Population-Based Surveys: Focus on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: Proceedings of a Workshop was released July 24, 2023 (pre-publication). Free PDFs are available here.

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is a population survey that also administers a physical examination, collects biospecimens, and reports some test results (e.g., cholesterol levels) to the participant. While in the process of redesigning the NHANES program for 2025 and beyond, the CDC sponsored a workshop in 2022 to assist NHANES in thinking through the many logistic and ethical issues that must be considered when returning genomic data to study participants.

The Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a workshop on Considerations for Returning Individual Genomic Results from Population-Based Surveys: Focus on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which was held virtually and live-streamed on December 2, 7, and 8, 2022. The workshop was to assist NCHS and other organizations in considering whether and how they might best return genomic results to survey participants in both a timely and ethical manner. This report summarizes the presentations and discussions from this workshop.

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