2022 FCSM Research and Policy Conference Update

Registration is now open! You can register for the conference here.

The 2022 FCSM Conference will feature two plenary sessions, one on Tuesday morning and one on Wednesday morning. The plenary speakers are Karin Orvis, OMB, Robert Santos, U.S. Census Bureau and Xiao-Li Meng, Harvard University. The program is now posted on FCSM2022.org.

Office of the Chief Statistician at OMB is currently hiring a Statistician

The Office of the Chief Statistician is excited to share that we are hiring for a Statistician!

OCS is seeking high quality candidates and are open to hiring from the GS-12 to GS-15 level. – The deadline to apply is Oct 17th.

GS12/13: Apply online at: www.usajobs.gov/job/680035300

GS-14/15: Apply online at: www.usajobs.gov/job/680037700

Upcoming Events

COPAFS Quarterly Meeting: December 2
COPAFS will hold its next Quarterly Meeting on Friday, December 2, 2022. The meeting will be virtual and the agenda will be available in November.

2022 FCSM Research and Policy Conference: October 25-27
The 2022 FCSM Research and Policy Conference has been scheduled for October 25-27, 2022. Register for the conference here. The theme for the conference is “Great Expectations: New Directions and Innovations for Sustainable Federal Statistics.” The conference is being planned as an in-person event at the Washington Convention Center. The program for the conference is also available at FCSM2022.org.

2022 APPAM Fall Research Conference: November 17-19
The 2022 APPAM Fall Research Conference will take place in Washington, DC. For more information, click here.

Agency Releases

Bureau of Economic Analysis (DOC)

  • On September 30, Personal Income and Outlays, August 2022 and Annual Update was released. Personal income increased $71.6 billion (0.3 percent) in August. Disposable personal income (DPI) increased $67.6 billion (0.4 percent) and personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased $67.5 billion (0.4 percent). The PCE price index increased 0.3 percent. Excluding food and energy, the PCE price index increased 0.6 percent. Real DPI increased 0.1 percent in August and Real PCE increased 0.1 percent; goods decreased 0.2 percent and services increased 0.2 percent.
  • On September 28, US International Investment Position, 2nd Quarter 2022 was released. The U.S. net international investment position (IIP), the difference between U.S. residents’ foreign financial assets and liabilities, was –$16.31 trillion at the end of the second quarter of 2022. Assets totaled $30.98 trillion, and liabilities were $47.29 trillion. At the end of the first quarter, the net investment position was –$17.75 trillion.

Bureau of Justice Statistics (DOJ)

  • On September 29, Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 2020 – Statistical Tables were released. Ninety agencies employed 136,815 full-time federal law enforcement officers, 3,742 (2.7%) of whom were employed by Offices of Inspectors General (OIGs). The Department of Homeland Security and its OIG employed almost half (49% or 66,410) of all federal law enforcement officers across the country. Criminal investigation was the primary function for more than two-thirds (68%) of federal law enforcement officers.
  • On September 6, Indicators for Crime Estimates Using NIBRS Data was released. This publication, prepared jointly by BJS and the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division, describes the crime indicators that will be estimated based on data from the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). NIBRS offers a robust set of characteristics about crime incidents reported to police, recording up to 58 data elements for each incident. The broad scope of information collected in NIBRS will greatly improve the nation’s understanding of crime and public safety. This publication details which indicators will be included for estimation and the rationale for their inclusion in the FBI’s report on Crime in the United States.

Bureau of Labor Statistics (DOL)

  • On September 28, Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment Summary was released. Unemployment rates were lower in August than a year earlier in 384 of the 389 metropolitan areas and higher in 5 areas. A total of 90 areas had jobless rates of less than 3.0 percent and 2 areas had rates of at least 10.0 percent. Nonfarm payroll employment increased over the year in 101 metropolitan areas and was essentially unchanged in 288 areas. The national unemployment rate in August was 3.8 percent, not seasonally adjusted, down from 5.3 percent a year earlier.
  • On September 22, Employee Tenure Summary was released. The median number of years that wage and salary workers had been with their current employer was 4.1 years in January 2022, unchanged from the median in January 2020.

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (DOT)

  • On September 29, The Fleet Composition of Rail Tank Cars Carrying Class 3 Flammable Liquids: 2022 Report was released. The report discusses the progress in upgrading the rail tank car fleet to the DOT-117 standard, which meets new safety requirements, and summarizes the types of rail tank cars carrying Class 3 flammable liquids. There is a rolling phase out schedule of tank cars based on both tank car type and flammable liquids carried. In 2021, 57% of all rail tank cars carrying Class 3 flammable liquids were built to the new DOT-117 or DOT-117R specification.
  • On September 19, the US Airline Employees Headcount was released. U.S. airline industry (passenger and cargo airlines combined) employment decreased to 767,772 workers in July 2022, 97 (-0.01%) fewer workers than in June 2022 (767,869) and 24,732 (3.33%) more than in pre-pandemic July 2019 (743,040). U.S. scheduled-service passenger airlines employed 487,214 workers in July or 64% of the industry-wide total. Passenger airlines added 2,441 employees in July for a fifteenth consecutive month of job growth dating back to May 2021. Southwest led scheduled passenger carriers, adding 971 employees; United Airlines added 800 employees, and Delta Airlines added 719.

Census Bureau (DOC)

  • On September 29, the 2021 American Housing Survey Data was released. The biennial AHS (conducted every two years) is the nation’s most comprehensive housing survey, providing current data on a wide range of housing subjects. Topics unique to the AHS include characteristics and physical condition of the nation’s housing units, indicators of housing and neighborhood quality, and home improvement activities.
  • On September 13, Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the US: 2021 was released. Real median household income in 2021 was not statistically different than 2020. The official poverty rate of 11.6% was also not statistically different between 2020 and 2021. The Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) rate in 2021 was 7.8%, a decrease of 1.4 percentage points from 2020. Meanwhile, the percentage of people with health insurance coverage for all or part of 2021 was 91.7% (compared to 91.4% in 2020.)

Economic Research Service (USDA)

  • In September, the International Food Security Assessment, 2022-32 was released. Using a demand-driven international food security assessment model, this report helps the U.S. Department of Agriculture and its stakeholders estimate food security trends in 77 low- and middle-income countries. High international food commodity prices, intensified by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and input price spikes, are associated with an increase of 118.7 million food insecure people in 2022 in the countries included in this report.
  • In September, Specialty Crop Participation in Federal Risk Management Programs was released. This study characterizes recent changes in Federal Crop Insurance Program (FCIP) and Noninsured Crop Disaster Program (NAP) use by specialty crop farmers, compares differences among conventional and organic farms, and investigates the reasons some farmers choose whether to participate in these programs. Specialty crop growers increased the value of their crops insured by FCIP products from about $12 billion in 2011 to about $21 billion in 2020 (not adjusted for inflation). A case study of nine specialty crop growers in New York State explores reasons they choose whether to participate in these Federal programs.

Energy Information Administration (DOE)

  • On September 30, the Natural Gas Annual – Data Tables were released. These tables contain data for 2021. U.S. dry natural gas production increased year over year in 2021, after declining year over year in 2020. Dry natural gas production was the highest for any year on record, dating back to 1930. Natural gas consumption also increased year over year in 2021.
  • On September 28, the Iraq Country Analysis Brief was released. Iraq holds the world’s fifth-largest proved crude oil reserves, at 145 billion barrels, representing 17% of proved reserves in the Middle East and 8% of global reserves. Most of Iraq’s major known fields—all of which are located onshore—are producing or are in development.

 National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA)

  • On September 29, the Quarterly Hogs and Pigs Report was released. As of Sept. 1, there were 73.8 million hogs and pigs on U.S. farms, down 1% from September 2021 but up 2% from June 1, 2022.
  • On September 6, it was announced that a review of acreage information will be undertaken by NASS. It is normal practice for NASS to review these data in September for chickpeas, cotton, dry edible peas, lentils, peanuts, and rice. The review typically takes place in October for corn, sorghum, soybeans, and sugarbeets, however the data are sufficiently complete this year to consider adjustments in September. In October, NASS will review acreage for canola, dry edible beans, and sunflowers.

National Center for Education Statistics (DOEd)

  • On September 26, the PIAAC County-Level Estimation for Age and Education Groups Methodology Report was released. The PIAAC study is a multicycle international survey of adult skills and competencies sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The survey examines a range of basic skills in the information age and assesses these adult skills consistently across participating countries. The first cycle of PIAAC included three rounds: 24 countries participated in 2011-12 (round 1), 9 additional countries participated in 2014-15 (round 2), and 5 additional countries participated in 2017- 18 (round 3).
  • On September 27, Early Postsecondary Education and Work Oucome Difference by ?High School Credential Type was released. Overall, high school dropout rates decreased in the two decades between when the students of NELS:88 and HSLS:09 were high schoolers (Irwin et al. 2022). The rates of traditional diploma completions went from 83 percent for the NELS:88 cohort within two years of expected graduation (Hurst et al. 2004, table 1) to 89 percent of the HSLS:09 cohort within three years of their expected graduation. Rates of alternative credential earning remained about the same: 6 percent as of 1994 for the 1988 eighth graders, and 4 percent as of 2016 for the 2009 ninth graders. This report describes early outcomes following receipt of alternative credentials.

National Center for Health Statistics (CDC)

National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NSF)

Statistics of Income Division (IRS)

  • In September, Heavy Highway Vehicles Use Statistical Table, Calendar Year 2022 was released. The table presents national statistics on the number of Forms 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicles Use Tax Return, filed electronically by month. The updated table includes the number of filings through the second quarter of Calendar Year 2022.
  • In September, Mid-July Filing Season Statistics for Individuals, Tax Year 2021 was released. ​The table provides data collected from U. S. Individual Income Tax Returns (Forms 1040) filed and processed through July 28, 2022, for Tax Year 2021. These data include selected income items, adjustments, credits, and taxes, by size of adjusted gross income.

Federal Register Notices

There were 15 federal register notices posted by federal statistical agencies from August 26, 2022 to September 25, 2022. Links to each of these notices are organized by agency below.

Bureau of Economic Analysis (DOC) – 2 New Notices

Date Notice URL
9/8/2022 International Services Surveys: Renewal of and Changes to BE-120 Benchmark Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property With Foreign Persons, and Clarifying When BE-140 and BE-180 Benchmark Surveys Are Conducted Link
8/31/2022 Solicitation of Nominations To Serve on the BEA Advisory Committee Link


Bureau of Justice Statistics (DOJ) – 1 New Notice

Date Notice URL
9/19/2022 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed eCollection eComments Requested; Extension of a Currently Approved Collection: National Prisoner Statistics Program Link


Bureau of Labor Statistics (DOL) – 3 New Notice

Date Notice URL
9/19/2022 Technical Advisory Committee; Renewal of the Bureau of Labor Statistics Technical Advisory Committee Link
9/19/2022 Data Users Advisory Committee; Renewal of the Bureau of Labor Statistics Data Users Advisory Committee Link
9/15/2022 Information Collection Activities; Comment Request – The Consumer Expenditure Surveys: The Quarterly Interview and the Diary Link


Bureau of Transportation Statistics (DOT) – 1 New Notice

Date Notice URL
9/23/2022 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed eCollection eComments Requested; Extension of a Currently Approved Collection: National Prisoner Statistics Program Link


Census Bureau (DOC) – 3 New Notices

Date Notice URL
9/13/2022 Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Review and Approval; Comment Request; American Community Survey and Puerto Rico Community Survey Link
9/1/2022 National Advisory Committee Link
9/1/2022 Request for Comment on Inflation Measures for Adjusting Historical Income Link


Economic Research Service (USDA) – No New Notices

Energy Information Administration (DOE) – No New Notices

National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA) – 1 New Notice

Date Notice URL
9/22/2022 Notice of Intent To Request Revision and Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection – Field Crops Production Link


National Center for Education Statistics (DOEd) – No New Notices

National Center for Health Statistics (HHS) – 3 New Notices

Date Notice URL
9/23/2022 Proposed Data Collection Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations – Customer Surveys Generic Clearance Link
9/23/2022 Proposed Data Collection Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations – Youth Outreach Generic Clearance Link
9/2/2022 Board of Scientific Counselors, National Center for Health Statistics (BSC, NCHS) – October 24, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:20 p.m. Link

National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NSF) – 1 New Notice

Date Notice URL
9/1/2022 Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request – SAP Portal information collection as a Common Form Link


Office of Research, Evaluation & Statistics (SSA) – No New Notices

Statistics of Income Division (IRS) – No New Notices

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