Affiliation to the IUSSP

Dear Colleague, We are reaching out to you on behalf of the Council of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) with a call for collaboration and an invitation to join us. We are extending an offer of institutional affiliation between...

NICHDevelopments: March 2024

Timing of COVID-19 vaccination drives menstrual cycle changes Receiving a COVID-19 vaccine during the first half of the menstrual cycle is linked to a small, temporary increase in cycle length, suggests a study funded by NIH. Analysis of data from nearly 20,000 people...

NICHD Director’s Corner

Elucidating the Effects of Digital Media on Children Use of technology and digital media is nearly universal among children and adolescents in the United States, and it plays a key role in our nation’s unprecedented youth mental health crisis. Last year, building on...