The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Obesity Research Task Force will host a virtual symposium on June 6, 2023, featuring advances in childhood obesity research by the NIH Environmental influence on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program.

ECHO’s mission is to enhance the health of children for generations to come. The program consists of the ECHO-wide Cohort, which weaves together data from 69 ongoing longitudinal maternal-child observational studies, as well as a pediatric clinical trials network. The symposium will focus on findings from the ECHO-wide Cohort, which supports studies on how exposures from preconception to age 5 years may influence child health outcomes from birth through adolescence. One of ECHO’s key outcome areas is childhood obesity.

The ECHO-wide Cohort currently includes more than 50,000 children plus family members, who come from racially, socioeconomically, and geographically diverse backgrounds across the United States.

This seminar will cover research into several determinants of childhood obesity that takes advantage of ECHO’s size and diversity, including natural experiments, community-level factors, social and chemical stressors, and health behaviors.

Please visit the ECHO website for more details and registration information.

If you have questions, please contact S. Sonia Arteaga at

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