The Carolina Population Center ( was established in 1966 to support the population research and training needs of an elected body of Faculty Fellows. The Center’s 76 active faculty fellows come from 17 departments in 3 schools or colleges and work with students, postdocs, staff, and other scholars on path-breaking research to address population issues in countries around the world, across the US, as well as locally, in North Carolina. Fellows are involved in domestic and international studies that span six focus areas: Aging in Diverse Contexts; Inequality, Mobility, and Well-being; Health and Social and Economic Productivity; Measurements and Methods; Population, Health, and Environment; Sexuality, Reproduction, Fertility, and Families. The Center is known for its signature research approaches that include modeling explanatory factors at multiple levels (from the biological to the contextual), longitudinal research design and analysis, and planning and evaluating interventions in complex settings. In the last decade, CPC Fellows engaged in funded population-related research on more than 100 projects, most supported by federal agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, and U.S. Agency for International Development, and major foundations. The CPC is also home to a new branch of a Federal Statistical Research Data Center.
The Center’s training program reflects the multi-disciplinary research program of the Center. The postdoctoral and predoctoral trainees come from a diverse set of departments, ranging from sociology to health behavior, geography to epidemiology, anthropology to biostatistics. The Center’s staff provide services in proposal development, grant administration and financial management, IT, research programming and analysis, research communications, spatial data analysis, web support, applied North Carolina demography, and methodological consultation. These services are organized to meet the needs of the research and training activities.
Director of the Carolina Population Center. Applications and nominations are invited from all scholarly fields concerned with population dynamics and change for the position of Director of the Carolina Population Center (CPC). The Director has institutional responsibilities for promoting and overseeing research, educational, and grant-development activities. The CPC is a community of scholars and professionals collaborating on interdisciplinary research and methods that advance understanding of population science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Its goals are to create new knowledge about population size, structure, health, and processes of change; develop new sources of data to support population research; promote the development and use of innovative methodologies; build skills and capacity and train the next generation of scholars; and disseminate data and findings to population professionals, policymakers, and the public.
The Director will have an appointment at the rank of full professor in an appropriate academic department at UNC.